1996: Brin and Page 建立了 BackRub, 开始了现代搜索的新纪元。
1999: Google有了39名员工监视每天300万的搜索。
2001: Google现在为几个国家提供了专有的域名。
2002: Google提供了Google Web API, 吸引开发人员。
2003: Google Answers把搜索提升到人工的水平上
2004: Google把Blog从网页搜索中去掉了。
2004: Googlewhacking在2004年雅典奥运会上得到了小范围的关注。
2005: Google 添加了一个昂贵的"快速提交链接" 选项。
2006: Google缓存根据美国法律被裁定不合法,因为它违反了联邦的Digital Millennium Copyright Act.Google不得不移除它。
2007: 一个美国法庭认为Google图像侵犯版权。Google把它移除了。
2008: AllTheWeb is getting better and allows complex searches.整个网络不断进步,并且允许复杂的搜索。
2009: Google蜘蛛(额外的即时蜘蛛)已经可以索引每一分钟内生成的绝大多数网页(包含文件下载),导致了严重的服务器堵塞——人们开始通过robots.txt拒绝Google的索引。
2010: Google开发了弹出式广告。
2011: Google落后于新搜索技术。 new search technologies.
2012: Brin和Page今年正式辞职。
2013: Google现在以在每次搜索顶部提供图片广告为特色
2014: AllTheWeb收购DayPop.
2014: Google通过它的地理定位功能,开始为某些特定的国家过滤内容。在Google中输入“Hiltler”,德国搜索者将得到0个结果。
2015: Google收购了Yahoo目录并且移除了DMOZ Open Directory项目。
2016: 因为Google索引Windows服务器,微软成功对Google提起控诉。同时,IE9只允许用户访问MSN搜索。
2017: Googleplex发生火灾,大火烧毁了绝大多数硬件和研究数据。幸运的,没有人员受得伤害。
2017: 一个斯坦福语言学教授给Google提供结果非常混乱的语义搜索。
2017: Google的主要赞助者变为NSA,NSA把它们的名字变更为"National Search Agency"
2018: Google上市并且进入投机股票市场。
2020: AltaVista 收购 Google Inc.
2020: GoogleVista提出一个 为每一次搜索付费的方案.
2021: GoogleVista.com变成了一个基于Flash的购物入口
2022: GoogleVista向第三方出售这些年收集的用户信息 New York Times 报道。
2023: 人们抗议:由于在线隐私问题GoogleVista被关闭。
2024: Brin和Page用他们的新专利DilbertRank新建立了一个搜索引擎,Dooogle,仅提供给Dilbert卡通在线。尽管它可能很有趣,但是Dooogle失败了。
2038: 垃圾信息迅速滋生,疯狂的投机,伪造的新闻,阴谋见解,PS过的照片,侵权的材料,裸体和网上的恶作剧。地球上的人类放弃了在线搜索,回归到书本,报纸,杂志和古老的面对面沟通。
2051: Google成为Internet历史书籍中的一个脚注。那些年长的人知道它提及 了21世纪早期当时信息真实时Google的黄金时代。而年青一代不理解。
3064: 一个外星种族发现了Googleplex废墟,把它变成它们敬拜着lava lamps的新教堂
3088: 一颗巨大的流星以毁灭性的速度接近地球,最后的一个Blog——AmazingWorldNews.com,记述了这个故事。这个网站仍旧没有被浏览过,导致人类和绝大多数动物的终结。蟑螂幸免。
The Rise and Fall of the Google Empire
The Rise and Fall of the Google Empire
Be warned; this is a (strictly hypothetic) Google fan’s nightmare.
1996: Brin and Page create BackRub, starting the era of modern search.1998: $1 million is raised in fundings to start Google.
1999: Google has 39 employees watching the 3 million daily searches.
2001: Google now offers several country domains.
2002: Google introduces the Google Web API, flirting with developers.
2003: Google Answers lifts searching up to a human level.
2004: Google removes blogs from web search.
2004: Googlewhacking gets low coverage during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
2005: Google adds a costly “speed-submit URL” option.
2006: The Google cache is ruled illegal by US law because it violates the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Google has to remove it.
2007: A US court decides that Google Images violates copyright. Google removes it.
2008: AllTheWeb is getting better and allows complex searches.
2009: The GoogleBot (ExtraFreshBot) is now fully indexing most webpages (and file downloads) every minute, causing heavy server traffic — people start to exclude Google via robots.txt.
2010: Google introduces Pop-Up advertisement.
2011: Google doesn’t catch up with new search technologies.
2012: Brin and Page officially resign this year.
2013: Google now features graphic ads on top of every search.
2014: AllTheWeb buys DayPop.
2014: Google, using its Geolocation feature, starts to heavily censor content for certain countries. Entering “Hitler” at Google.de returns zero results.
2015: Google buys the Yahoo! Directory and removes the DMOZ Open Directory Project.
2016: Google is successfully sued by Microsoft for spidering Windows Servers. Also, Internet Explorer 9 won’t allow accessing anything but MSN search.
2017: Fire in the Googleplex destroys most of the hardware and research papers. Luckily, no person is harmed.
2017: A Stanford linguistics Professor implements Google semantic search, the results of which are seemingly random.
2017: Google’s main sponsor is now the NSA, who change their name to “National Search Agency”.
2018: Google goes public and enters the busy world of stock market speculations.
2020: AltaVista buys Google Inc.
2020: GoogleVista introduces a pay-per-search scheme.
2021: GoogleVista.com turns into a Flash-based shopping portal.
2022: GoogleVista sells user information collected over the years to third parties. New York Times reports.
2023: People protest: GoogleVista is shut down due to online privacy issues.
2024: Brin and Page create a new search engine, Dooogle, which does nothing but search for Dilbert cartoons online using their newly patented DilbertRank. Amusing as it may be, Dooogle flops.
2038: The Web is infested by spammers, wild speculation, fake news, conspiracy theories, urban legends, retouched photos, copyright-breaking material, nudity, and online pranks. People around the globe give up online search and go back to books, newspapers, magazines, and plain old face-to-face communication.
2051: Google is officially a footnote in Internet history books. The elders who knew it refer to the early 21st century as the “golden Google age, when information was valid”. The younger generation doesn’t understand.
3064: An alien race discovers the Googleplex ruins, turning it into their new church, worshipping lava lamps.
3088: A giant meteor is approaching earth at deadly speed. The last blog, AmazingWorldNews.com, covers the story. The site stays unread, resulting in the termination of the human race and most animals. The cockroaches survive.